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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Sonntag, 4. März 2012


We had again a few busy days with touristdriving behind us. But now we can focus us on Finnmarkslopet. On wednesday we will drive towards Alta and have planned to arrive there on thursday. Luckily nearly everything is done and we need only to pack it into the car. We have still not decided which dog we will take with us, it´s Luis or Vino we have to choose between. The other 7 dogs are sure, it´s Didi, Sean, Tchmil, Fränk, Jaja, Tony and Frederico. Until friday I will post something here about Alta, afterwords it´s Jörgs part to do that. We don´t know yet how much time and pation he will have to do that while wainting that I´m coming into the checkpoints. You can follow the whole race here . The mainside is in norwegian, but they have also good artikels in english and german. So feel free to look at that side, I guess it will be interesting! Every driver has also a GPS in his sled, so you will know all the time at what part of the trail we will be - as long as we have coverage for the GPS in the mountains. See you next time in Alta!

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