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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Montag, 19. November 2012


...I did it. I was really that crazy and put all 16 dogs in front of the sled. I can tell you, that was not the smartest idea in my life, but anyway the dogs and I (!!!!!) survived it without any damages. Ok, the camera didn´t survive it and because of that I have no picture :(
It was wild, but I loved it. We have really poor snow conditions, only about 10 cm. It was Rock´n Roll and very fast. In the swamps we have a lot of glare ice and I was happy for every snowbite I could get to slow the dogs down. The first 3 km it seems to train for the ONAC. But after surviving that the rest of the training was in that speed I want them to go. So all in all, scary but great :)))