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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Montag, 30. April 2012

It´s unbelievable, we have the 30.04. and can still drive with the sled directly out from our kennel! That was good for Ingrid and Fabian, a couple who comes from Austria. They will take care of our dogs the next 4 weeks, because we are in Italy for holidays :)))))))))))))))))))) They are very nice, have two dogs on their own and a lot of experience with dogs. So it was a "foreward-reward" for them that we was able to be out with the sleds ;) With this two at home we can really relax and enjoy our holidays!
Snow-eating-break for the dogs
Jörg in front, then Fabian, Ingrid and me as last. Ingrid was falling directly after the start, but she was hanging on the sled for about 200 meters and didn´t let it out. I was very impressed!
Two happy "new-mushers"

Dienstag, 10. April 2012

These days are the best of the year :) Sunshine all the time and the snow has a hard surface so that it is possible to drive everywhere with the dogs :)))

Here I was out with Jaja and Sean for some extra leaddog-training.
After Finnmarkslopet we have now the time to take more care of our youngsters. They are now 11 month old and were driving the whole winter with tourists. So they have a lot of routine with beeing in the harness. Now we drive some longer rounds with them and test who will be a leaddog. Seems that all 4 girls at least will be a leaddog ;))) The 3 boys are not that sure if it´s better to be a team- or a leaddog...

Here Jörg with Tchmil and Luis in lead. Tchmil had some problems with his back during Finnmarkslopet, but we get it fixed and now he goes with another type of harness to avoid pressure on his back. Seems to work well :)

A few seconds form our ride yesterday. We trained even passing and the young girls in lead think that´s ok and pass without any problems.

Dienstag, 3. April 2012

For all of you who missed my arrival at Finnmarkslopet, here is laying a nice film :)))