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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

Fall Training

Didn´t wrote that much the last time, but it happens not that much either...We train the dogs, looking all day at the weather forecast and hoping that the cold and snow will come soon :) Training is going good, all 16 dogs are in good mood and we, too. With the weather forecast it´s like usual, one day they promise cold for next week, the other day they promise warm for next week. So normally it´s senseless to look there, but we never give up. But this morning we had the first little ice on our lake :))) So at least the water in the lake is cold enough that it could freeze if it would become colder...
The last days Uschi and Steffen were at our trainingsrounds with their dogs and that was a good training for both of us. We could train a bit head-on-passing and even the youngsters did it in a fine matter. Below you see a small video from different training runs. I lough in the end of the film because I was filming and Uschi was filming the same time, too ;)

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