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Phone +46 738068864

Freitag, 17. Februar 2012

Övre Soppero

Jörg came into Övre Soppero after 3:17 h. He is very happy, the dogs run like hell and he had to slow them down the whole time. Passing of other teams was no problem.
At 21:43 he can drive further to the next checkpoint Saivomuotka. It´s about 77 km and there he and the dogs can get a well deserved 6 hours rest. All dogs look great and he can take all 12 dogs with him. I update after he leave Saivomuotka, even the webmaster (and handler) has to sleep sometimes ;)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Kul att höra att allt går bra. Vi håller tummarna och tassarna! Säg åt Jörg att släppa på bromsen and go for it. Ta lite välförtjänt vila och håll oss uppdaterade!
    // Slagnäs Fanclub
