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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

The real training is started

Last weekend we could finally start the real training. We got enough snow on sunday but decided to take the ATV from saturday to monday to train a block of longer rounds. But today even we came onto the sled and we opened the trail with our dogs. Jörg on the runners and I in the sled to help the dogs if necessary. But we were really impressed about our 2 year old dogs. Jaja and Didi found the way through the svamps nearly without any comment and take every corner and swing we did last year. It was really unbelieveable how sure and save the two girls plow through the snow and found the way that they run in december 2010 the last time! I have it always hard to take the right turns (luckily Jörg knows it much better :)))) and that after 10 years on our trails...

It was fun to be on the sled again :))))))))))

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