This weekend we went on a short trip in the Swedish mountains. Friday afternoon we drove off and Saturday afternoon we were in time for the World Cup back home. Sporhundens Stijn could accompany us with the two house dogs. She had to go to the vet and that is on the way to the mountains in Slussfors. Malin and Tobbe, friends of us, bought a hut near Hemavan (rather a house than a hut) and Jörg has promised to help with the renovation. Katy, meanwhile, has caught the three dogs and went for a walk in the mountains. It was more beautiful than it comes across in the pictures. Mountains, waterfalls, and snow remains, what more could you want? Then we also still getting a surprise visit from Zdenka and Milan from the Czech Republic :)

Abkühlung im Wasserfall / Cooling in the waterfall

Stijn traut sich nicht / Stijn do not trust the water

Stijn, der eifrige Tourenhund / Stijn, the eager tour dog
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