At the weekend we had a lot of fun with our dogs - and we also hope they had it in this way with us ... We have a typical Lappish Summer, we can train our dogs in the morning and in the afternoon they can cool down in the lake.

Hundetraining am Morgen. / Dog training in the morning.

Pause zum Wässern und Füsse kühlen. Shasta und Tschmil in lead / Break for getting water and cool down the feeds. Shasta and Tschmil in lead.

Hier die Cruella-Öre-Kinder. Und natürlich auch Haushund Susan die immer dabei sein muss / Here the Cruella-Öre-kids. And of course, house dog Suan has always to be with us.

Na, Komme ich wohl ins Kanu? / Well, do I probably come into the canoe?

Geschafft, Fränk der Seefahrer. / Managed, Fränk the seaman!

Planschen ist toll! Hier Fränk und Didi. / Splash is great! Here Fränk and Didi.
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