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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Freitag, 1. April 2011

Number 3!!!

It was an unespected third place in the end! We knew that our dogs are fast, but in this age they cannot hold the speed over a whole distance of 300 km. So we are more than satisfied and very very proud at our dogs! They are great! Thanks to Ralph and Inger Mari, Nina and Björnar and Lill that they breed and sold us so great dogs. They were 8 weeks old when we got them and nobody was knowing how the education will be with puppies and without adult teacher. But it worked out well, and it´s still more than fun to be out with this "young wild ones" (like Heiner called them ;))
Jörg with a big smile in the face 50 meters in front of the finish line

Didi and Fränk in lead, in the end take Sean place in the basket

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hallo und herzlichen Glückwunsch,

    Na... die jungen Wilden... was für ein toller dritter Platz. Da steckt bestimmt noch jede Menge Potential drin.
