Jörg was arriving early in the morning in Neiden. The trail was very deep and soft and in the downhills he was slowing the dogs down a lot. Jörg was very happy with the dogs and how they work. So after 3 hours of good sleep he went on with 9 dogs. He set out Luis what was planned. He is the youngest in the team and a small and thin boy. He was looking good and eating, but anyway it was a good decision to set him out. Tchmil and Klödi had to be dropped for stiff muscels. That is often with hard working young dogs when they have not that much muscels like adult ones. Hinault was leaving the team because of a sore wrist. So we hope that the 9 wild ones will rock the sled to Kirkenes and that all 10 have a lot of fun. I´m now in Kirkenes at the place of our friends Franzi and Michi. About 15.30 I will start the 20 km to downtown Kirkenes and wait for Jörg. The last stage is about 100 km, that´s a long journey for our youngsters!
Ich hab gehørt, der erste schlitten wird kurz vor 4 erwartet. und ich glaub immernoch, dass sean (jetzt hab ichs auch mal richtig geschrieben), der erste hund ist, der ueber die ziellinie geht. na ich wuensche es mir jedenfalls. also fahr lieber eher los!!! ich brauch ne halbe stunde von zu hause.