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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

We are here!!!

Finally in Alta! We arrived early in the morning at the campingarea in Alta. Here it is very busy, many dogdrivers and dogs around and a lot of mandatory thinks to do.

If you think the world ends and you fall into the sea - then you are in Alta.
All dogs look good and are in fine mood. Tomorrow we will go out for a last small trainingsround with them - only to move their legs a bit after the long journey.

Today we have a big programm, the control of the chipnumbers and the vaccination

Packing the depotbags. Here it looks a bit like chaos :)

Where did I put this...the bags are really big!

Found it and myself again ;)))

Good to have a strong handler (Jörg) who can deliver the depotbags onto the car :)

Once again they made a big effort in Alta for the opening cermonial and the whole Finnmarkslopet - here some ice-sculptures

We where at the registration to make everything clear and now we wait to go to the musher-meeting, then to the opening ceremonial. And then the day is over for us :)

Tomorrow we have a calm day, only dogtraining and the startbanquett in the evening.

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