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Sonntag, 25. März 2012
Samstag, 24. März 2012
The Golden Run
Now I have some time to go through my Finnmarkslopet 2012. I named it the "Golden Run", because thas ist was. I couldn´t do something wrong, the dogs were running and running and running. It was really magic, I felt it from the first moment. But now from the beginning ;)
We arrived in Alta 8 am on thursday and drove directly to the camping area were we had a nice cabin. The day went fast with depotbag-packing, deliver the depotbags, chipcontroll of the dogs and the control of the vaccinations and all the deworming-stuff what we needed to stay in Norway. It´s really a lot and unnecessary red tape. But our papers were all ok (thanks to our vet Annette Kriller!!!). Then I had to go to the musher meeting and the opening ceremony for the Aurora Borealis festival. At 7 pm this day was done and we could stay the evening in our cosy cabin. Ah yes, we drove with 9 dogs to Alta, Vidar Lökeng borought Klödi from us for his team. Klödi ran all the way to Alta and was at the finish-line :)
On friday we drove to Mattisdalen for a short last trainingsrun before the race. This was only to move the legs a little bit and run away the stiffness from lying in the box all the time. It was very windy, I showed it on small videos below. But all went well, the dogs and we had some fun and at the evening we went to the opening banqued. With good food, the presentation of the drivers and getting the bibnumbers was even this day done.
Then finally the start on saturday :))) Jörg and I was never ever that relaxed before the start. It was unbeliveable, but both we felt us like on a trainingsrun - a long trainingsrun ;) So we took out the dogs at the starting area, put the harnesses and booties on and at 11.26 am thousands of people send my team with Didi and Sean in lead out into the Finnmark. The start was great like always, all the people around, everybody is happy and exciting - and I´m on my trainingsrun...Finally on the Alta River it was getting very icy and slippery. After 13 km I saw Elisabeth Edland fighting in the middle of her dogs on a ice-field. I couldn´t help her, had enough to do that my dogs went further on the glare ice. With the booties the dogs had not that grip, and I damned all the booties in the world. But the trail got better and after the step up to Detsika we were in normal modus again. I tried all the time to let the dog not to go faster than about 17 or 18 kmh, so every dog could go in their comfort-zone or even under this zone. We passed a few teams (most we passed on the step up to Detsika), reached Joatka and went on to Skoganvarre. The team was roling, I was happy only looking that they didn´t go to fast. All upphills I jump from the sled and run beside. I had a deal with my dogs, they pull the sled and I run and kick as much as possible. All downhills I was very carefully and slow them down a lot, sure not to risk any shoulder injury. In Skoganvarre I was relaxed, did my work with the dogs and let them sleep. They were not that hungry, but they ate a lot in the morning, so nothing I should worry about. I was hungry and ate very good, took a "Power nap" in our car and was eager to drive further. It´s really a lot of fun to drive a team what is roling. Then I moved on to Levajok. I knew from earlier races that I had to run a lot now. And so it was, the first two hours out from Skoganvarre is an up and down and more up again. My favourite hill they did this year a bit calmer, not that steep any more :( The trail was prepared with a "chainvehicle" from the norwegian army (I don´t know correct the name in english) and was like usual from Skoganvarre to Levajok very deep and soft. I had Fränk and Jaja in lead and they didn´t like that soft trail. It kept them away from running fast, so they decided on their own that we went off the trail and ran besides the trail. There the snow was hard blown and the dogs had a nice and hard trail. I was impressed from my dogs that they decided in this way! After about 40 km the trail get slowly down towards Levajok. There I had to brake and slow them down all the time that the dogs didn´t get to fast. I was really looking all the time at the comfort zone of the dogs and it worked very well. In Levajok I was knowing that it would be tough or maybe not possible to beat my team. They were so strong and rocked the sled. Here the dogs were hungry and ate very well. I was satisfied that all our checkpoint routine was working well and the dogs got their deserved rest. Even I got 2 hours sleep, good food and a lot of water. Then we moved on to Karasjok with Didi and Sean in lead. In earlier races I hate the monotony of the 83 km river-driving. Now I liked it. Not only because the team was rocking and roling (even here I had to slow them sometimes down that they didn´t got to fast), I guess it´s because we train now sometimes an a river. And our river is more open and wide that the Tana, so it seems easy to me. Into the checkpoint Karasjok I was a bit afraid that I drive somewhere round and around, but it was well marked and it went well for me :)) I was surpised that Ole Sigleif was still working on his dogs, I guessed that he had to be nearly ready with his dogs. But Jörg told me that I was 34 minutes faster than him. Not that bad ;) I´m always absolutely not interested in the times of my compeditors. I drive my own race ad live in my own little world. Jörg tells me always what I have to do, what time I should eat or drink and sleep or wake up and go to the dogs to get ready for the start. The reason is that I can´t change anything. If anybody else is faster then me, I can´t change it. So why should I pay attention in so thing during a race? I pay attention in my team and me. This worked all the years very well for me, so I don´t wanna change this ;)
Jörg told me that even Ole Wingren lost some time at the river and I went out from Karasjok about 20 minutes before the others. Luckily I asked how they way went out from Karasjok. So I drove the right way, they send us down a steep street and my dogs thought that it was fun, I fall with the sled, and had a ride with my butt on the breakingmat downhills. Then finally we reached the river, I damned the dogs (of course not serious) that they were not tired att all ;))) 12 km on the river for "roling the dogs into the speed" were very good for us, then we had to climb up again into the mountains and the famous Hundevidda. It welcomed us with snowstorm and heavy wind. I had Fränk and Jaja in lead, Jaja hate this kind of weather. She was looking back and asked me a few times if I´m serious that she should lead through this snowstorm. She understands that I´m serious, so she went on, together with Fränk. I had to correct them oftern, they went allways a bit to much to the right side. But both (even Fränk) were easy to correct and they took directly every comand they got from me. I was impressed and proud on my young dogs and that they trust me in that way. On the last kilometers to Jergul i had another big fight...The bibnumber drives me crazy. The first 5 in the race had to wear the bibnumber out from Karasjok and into Jergul and then from Jergul all the way to Alta. Out from Karasjok I had the bibnumber on my big downjackets, Elina (Ole Sigleifs girlfriend) helped me to put it on. Then running all the uphils to the Hundevidda I took of the bibnumber and my downjacket and put them into the sled - it was to warm. Then on the Hundevidda in the storm I put again my jacket on and then 5 km before Jergul I had to put on the bibnumber, too. Try this with a big downjacket and a small bibnumber in heavy strom. I really went crazy and was in despair. But finally I got the number over my jacket and drove with 8 happy dogs in galopp into Jergul. In Jergul I took me more time to take care of the dogs, I want it really bad that all 8 dogs come to the finish line. Vino was in Karsjok a bit stiff in one backleg and Tchmil was also a bit stiff in the whole backpart. So they all got a good massage, good food (they were really hungry), their warm blankets and their well deserved rest. I ate a good waffle in Jergul and received a Juhka as a gift form Jergul Asta. It looks very nice and I promised the owner of the checkpoint that I will wear it on the winner ceremony - and I did it :) In Jergul they asked me if I had seen any of my compeditors, but I really didn´t know how near or far they were away. I never look back in the race, I look only what happen in front. And that for the same reason like I don´t care what the others are doing - I can´t change it. If somebody is faster an pass me, what should I do against it? So it helps nothing to look back. 1h20min later - I was in the cabin eating my waffles - the three behind me came into the checkpoint. I was about one hour faster as them, I was impressed about the presentation of my dogs. They ran all the way from Alta to Jergul with 15 kmh. Good to have a tempomat at the dogs ;)))
Now in Jergul it was the first time that I was interested in the times of the others. I knew I was that much in front that only a parking team could stop me this time from winning. So I decide to take a few more snacks with me to Alta for snacking more often and that I would take it really easy. I was three minutes to early at the starting line and had to wait. The dogs were howling, wants to went on. So we went on in our smooth loop direction Suassjavri. In Suossjavri I was one second not concentrated enough and drove wrong. After three rounds around the cabin we came on the right track again, and off we went in galopp. We passed Mollesjokka and drove over the Iessjavri. There we met a skidriver, really strange to meet somebody out there. I helped the dog further as much as possible with kicking and running. Only because I was in front this was no reason for me to let the dogs do all the work. A few kilometers before Joatka I stopped for snacking. Normally I snack very fast, but this time I take it easy, let the dogs roling around in the snow, pet them and gave them a lot of time for eating. We ran through Joatka in full galopp and further on in bright sunshine. Then over the street and one more uphill we ran against a wall of wind and snowfall. Unbelievable, only 10 meters behind us sunshine, now in the middle of the snowstorm. But Fränk and Didi in lead didn´t care about it and went on. I think they knew that this were the last 40 km. We drove the last kilometers over the mountains in this heavy snowweather, then the trail went down to the steep steps of Detsika. Then we were on the Alta river again, only 17 km to the finish line. A few kilometers further the trail went suddenly in a glare icefield. Here the trailbreakers changed the trail that we reach better ice and snow again. My dogs were not in the mood to change the trail, they wanted to went on the same trail we drove out two days ago. I paniked a little bit, didn´t know if there were maybe open water that the trailbreakers changed the trail. Luckily I found a gap in the ice were I could put my hook in. I went to the dogs and hooked them of the tuglines that they were only in the necklines. I went in front of them on the new marked trail to show them where they should go. On the sled again they pulled me in the right direction, only hooked up on their necklines. I had tears in my eyes because they were so brave and trustful to me :))) After one kilometer the trail seems to be better, i stopped to hook the tuglines on the harnesses and off we went again. Then the last hill, the "högskolbacken". I guess nobody who comes to the finishline likes this hill :) But the dogs and I had a deal, so I jumped off the sled with my tired legs and ran up the hill as good as possible. Then we were up, the dogs saw the parking area and were looking around for our car. I had some thought how often we have to drive here some rounds until they understand that I want them to do, but they went on the street and then to the finish line. It was unbelieveable to drive this team to a victory. It was really not possible to make something wrong. I had only to take good care of them in the checkpoints and do my part of our deal, running and kicking as much as possible. And here I´m happy about my good trainingsprogramm that allows me to run and kick that much and be that awake in the checkpoints. I had from the first meter to the finish line the big smile in my face, so much fun it was to drive this team.
We arrived in Alta 8 am on thursday and drove directly to the camping area were we had a nice cabin. The day went fast with depotbag-packing, deliver the depotbags, chipcontroll of the dogs and the control of the vaccinations and all the deworming-stuff what we needed to stay in Norway. It´s really a lot and unnecessary red tape. But our papers were all ok (thanks to our vet Annette Kriller!!!). Then I had to go to the musher meeting and the opening ceremony for the Aurora Borealis festival. At 7 pm this day was done and we could stay the evening in our cosy cabin. Ah yes, we drove with 9 dogs to Alta, Vidar Lökeng borought Klödi from us for his team. Klödi ran all the way to Alta and was at the finish-line :)
On friday we drove to Mattisdalen for a short last trainingsrun before the race. This was only to move the legs a little bit and run away the stiffness from lying in the box all the time. It was very windy, I showed it on small videos below. But all went well, the dogs and we had some fun and at the evening we went to the opening banqued. With good food, the presentation of the drivers and getting the bibnumbers was even this day done.
Then finally the start on saturday :))) Jörg and I was never ever that relaxed before the start. It was unbeliveable, but both we felt us like on a trainingsrun - a long trainingsrun ;) So we took out the dogs at the starting area, put the harnesses and booties on and at 11.26 am thousands of people send my team with Didi and Sean in lead out into the Finnmark. The start was great like always, all the people around, everybody is happy and exciting - and I´m on my trainingsrun...Finally on the Alta River it was getting very icy and slippery. After 13 km I saw Elisabeth Edland fighting in the middle of her dogs on a ice-field. I couldn´t help her, had enough to do that my dogs went further on the glare ice. With the booties the dogs had not that grip, and I damned all the booties in the world. But the trail got better and after the step up to Detsika we were in normal modus again. I tried all the time to let the dog not to go faster than about 17 or 18 kmh, so every dog could go in their comfort-zone or even under this zone. We passed a few teams (most we passed on the step up to Detsika), reached Joatka and went on to Skoganvarre. The team was roling, I was happy only looking that they didn´t go to fast. All upphills I jump from the sled and run beside. I had a deal with my dogs, they pull the sled and I run and kick as much as possible. All downhills I was very carefully and slow them down a lot, sure not to risk any shoulder injury. In Skoganvarre I was relaxed, did my work with the dogs and let them sleep. They were not that hungry, but they ate a lot in the morning, so nothing I should worry about. I was hungry and ate very good, took a "Power nap" in our car and was eager to drive further. It´s really a lot of fun to drive a team what is roling. Then I moved on to Levajok. I knew from earlier races that I had to run a lot now. And so it was, the first two hours out from Skoganvarre is an up and down and more up again. My favourite hill they did this year a bit calmer, not that steep any more :( The trail was prepared with a "chainvehicle" from the norwegian army (I don´t know correct the name in english) and was like usual from Skoganvarre to Levajok very deep and soft. I had Fränk and Jaja in lead and they didn´t like that soft trail. It kept them away from running fast, so they decided on their own that we went off the trail and ran besides the trail. There the snow was hard blown and the dogs had a nice and hard trail. I was impressed from my dogs that they decided in this way! After about 40 km the trail get slowly down towards Levajok. There I had to brake and slow them down all the time that the dogs didn´t get to fast. I was really looking all the time at the comfort zone of the dogs and it worked very well. In Levajok I was knowing that it would be tough or maybe not possible to beat my team. They were so strong and rocked the sled. Here the dogs were hungry and ate very well. I was satisfied that all our checkpoint routine was working well and the dogs got their deserved rest. Even I got 2 hours sleep, good food and a lot of water. Then we moved on to Karasjok with Didi and Sean in lead. In earlier races I hate the monotony of the 83 km river-driving. Now I liked it. Not only because the team was rocking and roling (even here I had to slow them sometimes down that they didn´t got to fast), I guess it´s because we train now sometimes an a river. And our river is more open and wide that the Tana, so it seems easy to me. Into the checkpoint Karasjok I was a bit afraid that I drive somewhere round and around, but it was well marked and it went well for me :)) I was surpised that Ole Sigleif was still working on his dogs, I guessed that he had to be nearly ready with his dogs. But Jörg told me that I was 34 minutes faster than him. Not that bad ;) I´m always absolutely not interested in the times of my compeditors. I drive my own race ad live in my own little world. Jörg tells me always what I have to do, what time I should eat or drink and sleep or wake up and go to the dogs to get ready for the start. The reason is that I can´t change anything. If anybody else is faster then me, I can´t change it. So why should I pay attention in so thing during a race? I pay attention in my team and me. This worked all the years very well for me, so I don´t wanna change this ;)
Jörg told me that even Ole Wingren lost some time at the river and I went out from Karasjok about 20 minutes before the others. Luckily I asked how they way went out from Karasjok. So I drove the right way, they send us down a steep street and my dogs thought that it was fun, I fall with the sled, and had a ride with my butt on the breakingmat downhills. Then finally we reached the river, I damned the dogs (of course not serious) that they were not tired att all ;))) 12 km on the river for "roling the dogs into the speed" were very good for us, then we had to climb up again into the mountains and the famous Hundevidda. It welcomed us with snowstorm and heavy wind. I had Fränk and Jaja in lead, Jaja hate this kind of weather. She was looking back and asked me a few times if I´m serious that she should lead through this snowstorm. She understands that I´m serious, so she went on, together with Fränk. I had to correct them oftern, they went allways a bit to much to the right side. But both (even Fränk) were easy to correct and they took directly every comand they got from me. I was impressed and proud on my young dogs and that they trust me in that way. On the last kilometers to Jergul i had another big fight...The bibnumber drives me crazy. The first 5 in the race had to wear the bibnumber out from Karasjok and into Jergul and then from Jergul all the way to Alta. Out from Karasjok I had the bibnumber on my big downjackets, Elina (Ole Sigleifs girlfriend) helped me to put it on. Then running all the uphils to the Hundevidda I took of the bibnumber and my downjacket and put them into the sled - it was to warm. Then on the Hundevidda in the storm I put again my jacket on and then 5 km before Jergul I had to put on the bibnumber, too. Try this with a big downjacket and a small bibnumber in heavy strom. I really went crazy and was in despair. But finally I got the number over my jacket and drove with 8 happy dogs in galopp into Jergul. In Jergul I took me more time to take care of the dogs, I want it really bad that all 8 dogs come to the finish line. Vino was in Karsjok a bit stiff in one backleg and Tchmil was also a bit stiff in the whole backpart. So they all got a good massage, good food (they were really hungry), their warm blankets and their well deserved rest. I ate a good waffle in Jergul and received a Juhka as a gift form Jergul Asta. It looks very nice and I promised the owner of the checkpoint that I will wear it on the winner ceremony - and I did it :) In Jergul they asked me if I had seen any of my compeditors, but I really didn´t know how near or far they were away. I never look back in the race, I look only what happen in front. And that for the same reason like I don´t care what the others are doing - I can´t change it. If somebody is faster an pass me, what should I do against it? So it helps nothing to look back. 1h20min later - I was in the cabin eating my waffles - the three behind me came into the checkpoint. I was about one hour faster as them, I was impressed about the presentation of my dogs. They ran all the way from Alta to Jergul with 15 kmh. Good to have a tempomat at the dogs ;)))
Now in Jergul it was the first time that I was interested in the times of the others. I knew I was that much in front that only a parking team could stop me this time from winning. So I decide to take a few more snacks with me to Alta for snacking more often and that I would take it really easy. I was three minutes to early at the starting line and had to wait. The dogs were howling, wants to went on. So we went on in our smooth loop direction Suassjavri. In Suossjavri I was one second not concentrated enough and drove wrong. After three rounds around the cabin we came on the right track again, and off we went in galopp. We passed Mollesjokka and drove over the Iessjavri. There we met a skidriver, really strange to meet somebody out there. I helped the dog further as much as possible with kicking and running. Only because I was in front this was no reason for me to let the dogs do all the work. A few kilometers before Joatka I stopped for snacking. Normally I snack very fast, but this time I take it easy, let the dogs roling around in the snow, pet them and gave them a lot of time for eating. We ran through Joatka in full galopp and further on in bright sunshine. Then over the street and one more uphill we ran against a wall of wind and snowfall. Unbelievable, only 10 meters behind us sunshine, now in the middle of the snowstorm. But Fränk and Didi in lead didn´t care about it and went on. I think they knew that this were the last 40 km. We drove the last kilometers over the mountains in this heavy snowweather, then the trail went down to the steep steps of Detsika. Then we were on the Alta river again, only 17 km to the finish line. A few kilometers further the trail went suddenly in a glare icefield. Here the trailbreakers changed the trail that we reach better ice and snow again. My dogs were not in the mood to change the trail, they wanted to went on the same trail we drove out two days ago. I paniked a little bit, didn´t know if there were maybe open water that the trailbreakers changed the trail. Luckily I found a gap in the ice were I could put my hook in. I went to the dogs and hooked them of the tuglines that they were only in the necklines. I went in front of them on the new marked trail to show them where they should go. On the sled again they pulled me in the right direction, only hooked up on their necklines. I had tears in my eyes because they were so brave and trustful to me :))) After one kilometer the trail seems to be better, i stopped to hook the tuglines on the harnesses and off we went again. Then the last hill, the "högskolbacken". I guess nobody who comes to the finishline likes this hill :) But the dogs and I had a deal, so I jumped off the sled with my tired legs and ran up the hill as good as possible. Then we were up, the dogs saw the parking area and were looking around for our car. I had some thought how often we have to drive here some rounds until they understand that I want them to do, but they went on the street and then to the finish line. It was unbelieveable to drive this team to a victory. It was really not possible to make something wrong. I had only to take good care of them in the checkpoints and do my part of our deal, running and kicking as much as possible. And here I´m happy about my good trainingsprogramm that allows me to run and kick that much and be that awake in the checkpoints. I had from the first meter to the finish line the big smile in my face, so much fun it was to drive this team.
The finish line was nearly a bit scary ;) I got the victory champagne and after two sips I was in a good mood and could aswer all the questions ;))) Then the tasty dinner in the evening at the Rica Hotel and the night in the suite. We were that tired that we didn´t even drink the wine or the champagne we found in the suite ;) The next day I got a good massage at City Hud in Alta, more interviews and a few minutes sleep in our cabin- After the banquet we drove home again. It was all a bit strange and unbelieveable, but I can tell you - it´s a really good feeling to cross as number one the finish line :)))
I got a lot of prices, but one of the most importand was the price for the best dog care. The vets and all others told me that they never saw a team before that was so fit and strong during the whole race and at the finish line. That sounds good!
The dogs were completely dressed with ManMat-equipment, at the checkpoints they sleeped wam and nice under the thick ManMat blankets.
When I came into the checkpoints the dogs got "Recovery" and "Energy" food from Royal Canin. The kibble during the race was Royal Canin Energy 4800.
The meat and all the snacks came from Vom og Hundemat. The owner Magne Ostby gave us a short visit before the race, that was very nice and shows us that he is really interested in sleddog-sport.
The dogs lost nearly no weight during the whole race thanks to all the good dogfood they got.
The fantastic sled we drove is from Danler-sleds in Austria. He builds really the best sleds! He promised us now that we get a bit bigger sled for the next Finnmarkslopet, this one (Odyss MD) we used now has a little bit to small bag if you have to load a dog.
And last but not least we feed our dog the whole season with Aktiv Hund from Ägna AB. This helps to provide wristproblems, and I can tell you it works! Noone of our dogs had a wristproblem during the season or the race.
I was trying to load up a video from the race. It´s somehow not working, it´s on youtube, but I didn´t get it here...But I hold one and maybe one bright and nice day it will work ;)
I was trying to load up a video from the race. It´s somehow not working, it´s on youtube, but I didn´t get it here...But I hold one and maybe one bright and nice day it will work ;)
Freitag, 16. März 2012
The Finnmarkslopet heroes
Before I write something else I proudly present our heroes.
Didi, she leads from Alta to Skoganvarre, Levajok to Karasjok and then from Jergul to Alta. She is at home a bit bitchy sometimes and often in bad mood against the other dogs - especially the puppies she hates with passion ;) But she takes her job very serious and once in harness she knows what to do. If the trail is bad and deep, she finds the hard part of the trail and walk on that. And this with 2 ½ years! A 18 kg girl out of Öre-Cruella
Fränk, he leads from Skoganvarre to Levajok, Karasjok to Jergul and then to Alta. He is always in good mood, was not the best leaddog last season. This season he advanced to an outstanding leaddog who also takes his job serious. Sleddog with body and soul. The only problem he has are the commands left and right, but for that he had always one of the girls besides him. Also very good to find the best part of the trail. A 24 kg boy out of Öre-Cruella.
Jaja, my sunshine-girl. Always happy and around jumping girl. She has 10 month old very promising offsprings together with Tchmil. She likes it to lead the team, but only in good weather. Wind and storm is ok for her, but please no snow together with all of it ;) She leads from Skoganvarre to Levajok and Karasjok to Jergul. At the Hundevidda we came into heavy snowstorm, it was really blowing a lot, so exact that weather was Jaja is NOT liking. She asked me a few times if I´m really serious that she should go now through the storm, but she understand that I was serious. So she was shrugging her shoulders and move on. A 15 kg super light girl out of Luke-Bindi.
Sean, she leads from Alta to Skoganvarre and Levajok to Karasjok. I had her as a security for the last stretch if some of the other leaders quit. She is a small girl and also a sleddog with body and soul. If you see her in the dog yard you don´t mind that there is staying a genious leddog in front of you. A 16 kg light weight girl out of Öre-Cruella.
Tchmil, also a leaddog, but I didn´t use him as a leaddog this time. He was my heaviest dog in the team and had to pull the sled :) He did it very well. A 28 kg heavy boy out of Öre-Cruella.
Tony and Fredrico, I had never doubt that this two guys stay at the finish line. They were never hurt, they eat always and they do the job that has to be done. This are not the outstanding leaddogs who stay at page one of the newspapers, but without them, you and your leaddogs can never get at the first page! Tony is a 24 kg boy, Frederico a 20 kg boy. This two brothers are out of Luke-Bindi.
Vino, he is also a teamdog who do his job. In him I had a few doubts inbetween, he was a bit stiff in his left backleg in Levajok. But with a good massage I got it under control and in Karasjok everything was ok again. He is the only one who had some scratches at his paws, but with a few days creaming everything is fine again. A 24 kg boy out of Luke-Bindi.
This were my heroes at the race. The ate always, they rest when they should, they ran when they should and I felt from the beginning this "magic moment", when you have a team in front of you and you know that you can´t do something wrong. It was great from the first meter and I was sure at the starting line in Alta that all 8 dogs will reach the finishline, doesn´t matter what weather or trail we will find in the mountains.
We are really proud of them!
Didi, she leads from Alta to Skoganvarre, Levajok to Karasjok and then from Jergul to Alta. She is at home a bit bitchy sometimes and often in bad mood against the other dogs - especially the puppies she hates with passion ;) But she takes her job very serious and once in harness she knows what to do. If the trail is bad and deep, she finds the hard part of the trail and walk on that. And this with 2 ½ years! A 18 kg girl out of Öre-Cruella
Fränk, he leads from Skoganvarre to Levajok, Karasjok to Jergul and then to Alta. He is always in good mood, was not the best leaddog last season. This season he advanced to an outstanding leaddog who also takes his job serious. Sleddog with body and soul. The only problem he has are the commands left and right, but for that he had always one of the girls besides him. Also very good to find the best part of the trail. A 24 kg boy out of Öre-Cruella.
Jaja, my sunshine-girl. Always happy and around jumping girl. She has 10 month old very promising offsprings together with Tchmil. She likes it to lead the team, but only in good weather. Wind and storm is ok for her, but please no snow together with all of it ;) She leads from Skoganvarre to Levajok and Karasjok to Jergul. At the Hundevidda we came into heavy snowstorm, it was really blowing a lot, so exact that weather was Jaja is NOT liking. She asked me a few times if I´m really serious that she should go now through the storm, but she understand that I was serious. So she was shrugging her shoulders and move on. A 15 kg super light girl out of Luke-Bindi.
Sean, she leads from Alta to Skoganvarre and Levajok to Karasjok. I had her as a security for the last stretch if some of the other leaders quit. She is a small girl and also a sleddog with body and soul. If you see her in the dog yard you don´t mind that there is staying a genious leddog in front of you. A 16 kg light weight girl out of Öre-Cruella.
Tchmil, also a leaddog, but I didn´t use him as a leaddog this time. He was my heaviest dog in the team and had to pull the sled :) He did it very well. A 28 kg heavy boy out of Öre-Cruella.
Tony and Fredrico, I had never doubt that this two guys stay at the finish line. They were never hurt, they eat always and they do the job that has to be done. This are not the outstanding leaddogs who stay at page one of the newspapers, but without them, you and your leaddogs can never get at the first page! Tony is a 24 kg boy, Frederico a 20 kg boy. This two brothers are out of Luke-Bindi.
Vino, he is also a teamdog who do his job. In him I had a few doubts inbetween, he was a bit stiff in his left backleg in Levajok. But with a good massage I got it under control and in Karasjok everything was ok again. He is the only one who had some scratches at his paws, but with a few days creaming everything is fine again. A 24 kg boy out of Luke-Bindi.
This were my heroes at the race. The ate always, they rest when they should, they ran when they should and I felt from the beginning this "magic moment", when you have a team in front of you and you know that you can´t do something wrong. It was great from the first meter and I was sure at the starting line in Alta that all 8 dogs will reach the finishline, doesn´t matter what weather or trail we will find in the mountains.
We are really proud of them!
Mittwoch, 14. März 2012
Best dog care
I won even the "Best dog care" award and I´m very proud of this! More about it later on in my report about the race. We are at home again and have a lot of things to do, unpack the car for example.
Again many thank´s for all wellwishers, mails, sms, calls and personal congratulations, feels good to have so much support!
Again many thank´s for all wellwishers, mails, sms, calls and personal congratulations, feels good to have so much support!
Montag, 12. März 2012
We won :))))))))))
Yes, finally we did it and won the Finnmarkslopet 2012! I thank all the wellwishers - sms, calls and comments on this side. I took a shower and and 7 pm we have a dinner in the Rica hotel Alta - and a night in their Suite ;)
I write more later on with pictures and all informations you need, now I´m tired and have to take care of the dogs. All dogs look good and even feel good.
I write more later on with pictures and all informations you need, now I´m tired and have to take care of the dogs. All dogs look good and even feel good.
Sonntag, 11. März 2012
Small update
I´m in Karasjok now and it looks not that bad ;) I guess that I can take all 8 dogs with me to Jergul when I start at 19:51 this evening. Until now I had a lot of fun with our youngsters and they really rock the sled :)))
Vino was a bit stiff in his left backleg when we came into Levajok, but after a good massage and Algyval it went well and he had no problems during the run. Tschmil start now and has a bit blood in his pooh, so I look how he is after the rest and decide it together with the vet. Otherwise I take him with me to Jergul and look if it become better.
That´s all for now, I wait now how the times of the other compeditors are, especially Ole Wingren. Then I will sleep one hour and take more care of the dogs.
See you in Alta!
Vino was a bit stiff in his left backleg when we came into Levajok, but after a good massage and Algyval it went well and he had no problems during the run. Tschmil start now and has a bit blood in his pooh, so I look how he is after the rest and decide it together with the vet. Otherwise I take him with me to Jergul and look if it become better.
That´s all for now, I wait now how the times of the other compeditors are, especially Ole Wingren. Then I will sleep one hour and take more care of the dogs.
See you in Alta!
Samstag, 10. März 2012
We sit in our cabin with a good breakfast. Only 4 hours until we start out from downtown Alta with bibnumber 27 :) I´m very happy that it start soon, all the meetings and banquets before the race are nice, but we are here to drive dogs. The dogs look good, they where eating and drinking well this morning and are interested in what all other teams around are doing.
I will thank all the wellwishers and sms I received. I thank all of you in this way, so I must not answer every single sms ;)))
Hope you all enjoy the race like I will do it! Maybe I have sometimes the mood and write two or three words, will see :) Otherwise, we see us in Alta on moday evening!
I will thank all the wellwishers and sms I received. I thank all of you in this way, so I must not answer every single sms ;)))
Hope you all enjoy the race like I will do it! Maybe I have sometimes the mood and write two or three words, will see :) Otherwise, we see us in Alta on moday evening!
Freitag, 9. März 2012
Today we where out for the last small trainingsround with the dogs. We went over to Mattisdalen, on the Alta River was even less snow then there. Alta had the whole winter fights between to less snow and to much wind, so the little snow was blowing in the wind like you see in the pictures. On the two small videos you can see that it´s really windy today,too. It was fine for the dogs, now we pack the car and the sled and do the last preparations for tomorrow. At 4:45 pm we go to the banquett and then only one more night and I can start with our 8 dogs ;))))))))))))))

Litte snow and much wind

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012
How to make your handler happy...
We are here!!!
Finally in Alta! We arrived early in the morning at the campingarea in Alta. Here it is very busy, many dogdrivers and dogs around and a lot of mandatory thinks to do.
If you think the world ends and you fall into the sea - then you are in Alta.
All dogs look good and are in fine mood. Tomorrow we will go out for a last small trainingsround with them - only to move their legs a bit after the long journey.
Today we have a big programm, the control of the chipnumbers and the vaccination
Packing the depotbags. Here it looks a bit like chaos :)
Where did I put this...the bags are really big!
Found it and myself again ;)))
Good to have a strong handler (Jörg) who can deliver the depotbags onto the car :)
Once again they made a big effort in Alta for the opening cermonial and the whole Finnmarkslopet - here some ice-sculptures

We where at the registration to make everything clear and now we wait to go to the musher-meeting, then to the opening ceremonial. And then the day is over for us :)
Tomorrow we have a calm day, only dogtraining and the startbanquett in the evening.
Sonntag, 4. März 2012
We had again a few busy days with touristdriving behind us. But now we can focus us on Finnmarkslopet. On wednesday we will drive towards Alta and have planned to arrive there on thursday. Luckily nearly everything is done and we need only to pack it into the car. We have still not decided which dog we will take with us, it´s Luis or Vino we have to choose between. The other 7 dogs are sure, it´s Didi, Sean, Tchmil, Fränk, Jaja, Tony and Frederico. Until friday I will post something here about Alta, afterwords it´s Jörgs part to do that. We don´t know yet how much time and pation he will have to do that while wainting that I´m coming into the checkpoints. You can follow the whole race here . The mainside is in norwegian, but they have also good artikels in english and german. So feel free to look at that side, I guess it will be interesting! Every driver has also a GPS in his sled, so you will know all the time at what part of the trail we will be - as long as we have coverage for the GPS in the mountains. See you next time in Alta!
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