Even our raceseason will start on friday. There we drive to Kiruna and Jörg participate at the Tobacco Trail race. It goes from Kiruna on the old smuggler-tracks over Övre Soppero to Saivomuotka at the finish border. Once there, the race goes on the same track back to Kiruna. All together it will be 308 km. The race starts at 4 pm on friday and the winner will be back on sunday morning in Kiruna. For us it will be a trainings-race, Jörg will drive the dogs in the same way we drive them at home. And if they need more rest than the 2, 6 and 6 hours, they will get it. This will be the last test for Finnmarkslopet, from the dogs who are at the finish line now on sunday we choose the 8 dogs for my Finnmarkslopet-team. Jörg will start only with 12 dogs (all other with 14 dogs), but we have no more adult dogs.

I prepared all snacks and the other dogfood already on sunday - in bright sunlight :) Old girl Kuchen was helping me and really nothing went into a bag before she tasted it ;))) But that´s an importand job, not that we take some food for the dogs that it not good enough in Kuchens opinion...
As long as the internet work I will try to make updates here on our side during the race. You can also follow the race here
www.huskyexpedition.com . I guess it will be only in swedish, but maybe everyone understand a little bit. Under "trail-blogg" you will also get there some updates. Jörg has Bib-number 7, the times and positions of the compeditors you can see during the race under "deltagare/results"
We are very excited that it starts now!!! I´ll be back here at the blogg on friday, so stay tuned!
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