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Montag, 21. November 2011


At least 3 cm. But we need only 7-10 cm more that we can go out with the sled. Dogtraining this morning with the ATV was completely different because of the snow. It´s all so calm and quiet, the dogs can eat snow while running and everything seems to be more friendly :)))

I took this picture on wednesday, we had PLUS 7 degrees that day! The ice was still on the lake, but there was about 2 cm with water on it. It looked great.
This picture is from 11 am today. Looks completely different.

Now we have -8 degrees. yesterday we looked at the lake and it´s now covered with about 15 cm ice. For the ice this ups and downs in the temperature is good, so it grows fast and save. Sounds strange, but it´s the truth, believe me ;)

The forecast looks good and even with a bit more snow. So maybe we are able to drive with the sled next weekend, wish us luck!

In the middle of the day I will go out with the puppies for a ride. Maybe I manage it to make a small movie, but like usual I can´t promise to do it ;)) But I will try my very best!!!

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