This weekend I drove with my ManMat-equipment to Kiruna at the sleddog-symposium who was arranged of the Kiruna sleddog club. First, everybody who had the time to come and didn´t show up missed really a lot and should blame him/her self! Second, many thanks to Mats Pettersson and Lotta for their hospitality. Sven Engholm and I slept over in their house and we had a lot of interesting dogtalks until late at night.

Dr. Jerome A. Vanek spoke about stretching and massage of dogs. And he did it in a really funny and understandable way. We all laughs a lot :)))

So, forget about stretching your dogs before the race if you see this ;))) But he explains also a way to warm up dogs without that much time :)

After this we heard from Hans Gatt how he treats his dogs with respect and about his training before the Quest and Iditarod.

Here one of his trainings-shedules. Are you now sad that you didn´t show up :))) BUT I have a bit more informations, I did some secret-talk with Hans after the symposium ;))

Here Hans and I philosophize about harnesses. He took a skibelt and a Lash-harness from ManMat home to Whitehorse :)

Make an educated guess who is creeping under every sled in Kiruna?

Tim White of course!!! I guess there is nobody else in the whole world who is that interested in dogsleds! He spokes at the symposium about sleddogs in general - and everybody can feel that this came really from the bottom of his heard!
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