Man merkt das der Finnmarkslauf vor der Tür steht. Alle Hundefahrer drängt es nach Alta! Auch wir bekamen kurzen Besuch von Hundefahrern auf der Durchreise. Nina, Didrik, Ralph und sein Handler Leif sind auf dem Weg nach Jokkmokk bei uns zum Abendessen eingekehrt. Jetzt fahren sie weiter um noch bis Dienstag in Jokkmokk auf Nina´s alten Trails zu trainieren. Viel Glück Euch allen, wir werden alles sehnsüchtig am PC verfolgen!!!
We see that the Finmmarkslopet is close. All dogdrivers are on their way to Alta. Even we got a short visit from dogdrivers on their journey. Nina, Didrik and Ralph with his handler Leif stay two hours at our place for a quick dinner and some dog-talk. Now they move on to Jokkmokk, they will stay there until tuesday and train on Nina´s old trails. Good luck to all of you, we will follow everything longing at the PC!!!
We see that the Finmmarkslopet is close. All dogdrivers are on their way to Alta. Even we got a short visit from dogdrivers on their journey. Nina, Didrik and Ralph with his handler Leif stay two hours at our place for a quick dinner and some dog-talk. Now they move on to Jokkmokk, they will stay there until tuesday and train on Nina´s old trails. Good luck to all of you, we will follow everything longing at the PC!!!

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