Jörg is in the checkpoint Vaggatem. The dogs looked great when they came in and Jörg was very satisfied how they run. The veterinarians checked the dogs and said that everything is ok and that he ca take all 13 for the next journey to Neiden. Now are the dogs sleeping, they ate very well like you see at the picture more down. Everything runs good, Jörg is eating now and then he will after a few hours start into the night to Neiden.
Om oss / About us
- Flandriens-Blog
- Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
- Phone +46 738068864
Donnerstag, 31. März 2011
The first 90 km are done - but only for me with the car. I´m in the checkpoint Vaggetem now and wait for Jörg. Hope that everything will be ok, I have not heard anything from him now, so it seems to be good. The start was wild but good, the dogs were started from the car. Here a few pictures. I´m coming back with updates, maybe not this night but tomorrow in the morning when I´m in Neiden.
Mittwoch, 30. März 2011
We are there!
After 1000 km on the road we are finally in Kirkenes. It´s a beautyful area here with great sunshine. We went out for a short training with our dogs today, they needed it after the long journey. Many thanks to Franzi and Michi that we can stay at their place and in their house during the race! Now at 21 o´clock we go to the mushers-meeting and then waits a nice and warm bed for us :) I hope that I have some internet-connection (we have our internet with us) under the race, then I will try to post some pictures and comments.
Montag, 28. März 2011
Pasvik Trail
So, everything is ready that we can start to Kirkenes for Pasvik Trail tomorrow. I try to make updates under Pasvik, depense on if my internet is working...Like on Troms Quest it will be only a nice training for our dogs and we (or better Jörg) will take it smooth this year for the youngsters. There will be Sean, Didi, Fränk, Pedro, Tchmil, Luis, Vino, Tony, Frederico, Klödi, Hinault, Stijn und Coppi in the team. Pantani is limping a little bit and Jaja has hopefully some puppies in her stomach :) If you like, you can follow the race under http://www.pasviktrail.com/web/?giella1=
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011
Heute waren wir noch mal auf einer tollen Runde mit den Hunden. Leider ging es danach wieder nach Hause - die Arbeit ruft :( Aber unser Spontanbesuch in Sandviken hat sich mal wieder voll gelohnt!
Today we went out for one more beautyful round with the dogs. Unfortunately we had to drive home - the job was calling :( But our spontaneous visit in Sandviken has once again payed off completely!
Was ist besser als ein Frühstück in einer Hütte in den Bergen mit den aktuellen Finnmarkslauf-Resultaten auf dem PC? / What is better than breakfast in a cabin in the mountains with the Finnmarkslopet-results at the computer?
Hundefahren in dieser Landschaft! Perfektes Wetter und perfekte Trails! / Dogdriving in this landscape! Perfect weather and perfect trails!
Dienstag, 15. März 2011
Samstag, 12. März 2011
The big smile in the face :))))
Wir waren heute mal wieder in Sandviken / Today we were again in Sandviken

Uns hat es mal wieder in die Berge verschlagen. Bei Superwetter hat heute alles gepasst und das dicke Grinsen war mal wieder im Gesicht. Dienstag und Mittwoch sind wir mit den Hunden in den Bergen, das Wetter soll super werden! So, nun geht mal wieder auf die wichtigen Internetseiten http://www.iditarod.com/ und http://www.finnmarkslopet.no/ ! Wir haben auch schon wunde Finger vom Aktualiesieren...
We were once again carried off into the mountains. With great weather everything was perfect today and the big smile was again in our faces. Tuesday and wednesday we will go up to the mountains with the dogs, the weather should be great again! So, move all on the the importand websides http://www.iditarod.com/ and http://www.finnmarkslopet.no/ ! We have also sore fingers from updating the sides...
Sonntag, 6. März 2011
Während sich die gesamte norwegische Hundefahrer-Elite in Jokkmokk als Zwischenstation zum Training trifft, ziehen wir weiterhin auf unseren schönen Trails einsam unsere Runden. Jörg hatte gestern heftigen Wind, der Trail auf dem Fluss war teilweise vollständig verblasen. Ich hatte es heute fast windstill und auf den Weiten des Skellefteå-Flusses kam Yukon-Feeling auf :))
Meanwhile the entire norwegian dogdriver-elite stopover in Jokkmokk for training on their way up to the north, we drive our lonely laps at our nice trails. Jörg had heavy wind yesterday and the trail at the river was partly gone. I had it nearly windless today and in the lengths of the Skellefteå-river came a bit Yukon-feeling :))
Meanwhile the entire norwegian dogdriver-elite stopover in Jokkmokk for training on their way up to the north, we drive our lonely laps at our nice trails. Jörg had heavy wind yesterday and the trail at the river was partly gone. I had it nearly windless today and in the lengths of the Skellefteå-river came a bit Yukon-feeling :))

Ich hatte heute Autobahn / I had a highway today
Wenn wir Glück haben gibt es um den 8.Mai herum Welpen ;) Jaja und Tchmil hatten heute ein Rendevouz. Jaja fällt dann zwar für den Pasvik Trail aus, aber das müssen wir verkraften.
If we are lucky we get som puppies around the 8th of may ;) Jaja and Tchmil had a rendevouz today. Jaja miss so the Pasvik Trail, but we have to deal with that.
Samstag, 5. März 2011
Man merkt das der Finnmarkslauf vor der Tür steht. Alle Hundefahrer drängt es nach Alta! Auch wir bekamen kurzen Besuch von Hundefahrern auf der Durchreise. Nina, Didrik, Ralph und sein Handler Leif sind auf dem Weg nach Jokkmokk bei uns zum Abendessen eingekehrt. Jetzt fahren sie weiter um noch bis Dienstag in Jokkmokk auf Nina´s alten Trails zu trainieren. Viel Glück Euch allen, wir werden alles sehnsüchtig am PC verfolgen!!!
We see that the Finmmarkslopet is close. All dogdrivers are on their way to Alta. Even we got a short visit from dogdrivers on their journey. Nina, Didrik and Ralph with his handler Leif stay two hours at our place for a quick dinner and some dog-talk. Now they move on to Jokkmokk, they will stay there until tuesday and train on Nina´s old trails. Good luck to all of you, we will follow everything longing at the PC!!!
We see that the Finmmarkslopet is close. All dogdrivers are on their way to Alta. Even we got a short visit from dogdrivers on their journey. Nina, Didrik and Ralph with his handler Leif stay two hours at our place for a quick dinner and some dog-talk. Now they move on to Jokkmokk, they will stay there until tuesday and train on Nina´s old trails. Good luck to all of you, we will follow everything longing at the PC!!!

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