For the first time had our dogs on wednesday and thursday a little bit more intensive training. Jörg drove 70 km on wednesday and I 63 km on thursday. Each of us hooked up 14 dogs, Jörg had even Susan and the camera with him at his journey. And even if the pictures looks nearly all the same, we always find them great. By the way, the dogs liked the longer training. They ran the trail at a crazy speed, the feets glowed from staying at the brake. At my training I trained even left and right to the dogs. And after I had my two "superbrains" Vino and Tchmil in lead I had to go at every (really at EVERY) diversion in front to my leaddogs and showed them the way. But in the end I had one sense of achievement, Vino was at least looking into the right direction ;))) I hope that it´s going only straight at the Troms Quest... But two of our ladies go more or less reliable on commants. Now we even have the luxus that we have a branched trailsystem open and have to turn very often left or right. This season we invest a lot of time to educate our young dogs! And it´s a lot of fun :))
Om oss / About us
- Flandriens-Blog
- Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
- Phone +46 738068864
Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010
Recht...Links...? / Right...Left...?
Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag hatten die Hunde zum ersten Mal eine etwas intensivere Trainingseinheit. Jörg ist am Mittwoch 70 und ich bin Donnerstag 63 km gefahren. Wir sind jeweils mit 14 Hunden losgezogen, Jörg hatte bei seiner Ausfahrt sowohl Susan als auch die Kamera dabei. Auch wenn sich die Fotots eigentlich immer wiederholen, wir finden sie immer wieder toll. Ach ja, den Hunden hat das längere Training auch gut gefallen. Sie sind die Strecke im irren Tempo gegangen und die Füsse glühten vom Bremsen. Ich habe auch noch ein wenig rechts und links geübt. Da ich die beiden "Superhirne" Vino und Tchmil in lead hatte hiess es an jeder (wirklich an JEDER) Abzweigung anhalten, nach vorne gehen und die Hunde in die richtige Richtung führen. Aber ich hatte auch ein Erfolgserlebnis, zum Schluss hat Vino sogar mal in die richtige Richtung geguckt ;))) Ich hoffe das es beim Troms Quest nur geradeaus geht...Aber zwei unserer Ladies folgen den Richtungskommandos mehr oder weniger zuverlässig. Wir haben jetzt auch den Luxus das wir ein verzweigtes Trailsystem offen haben und sehr oft abbiegen müssen. Diese Saison gehört voll und ganz der Ausbidung unserer jungen Hunde! Spass macht´s :))
For the first time had our dogs on wednesday and thursday a little bit more intensive training. Jörg drove 70 km on wednesday and I 63 km on thursday. Each of us hooked up 14 dogs, Jörg had even Susan and the camera with him at his journey. And even if the pictures looks nearly all the same, we always find them great. By the way, the dogs liked the longer training. They ran the trail at a crazy speed, the feets glowed from staying at the brake. At my training I trained even left and right to the dogs. And after I had my two "superbrains" Vino and Tchmil in lead I had to go at every (really at EVERY) diversion in front to my leaddogs and showed them the way. But in the end I had one sense of achievement, Vino was at least looking into the right direction ;))) I hope that it´s going only straight at the Troms Quest... But two of our ladies go more or less reliable on commants. Now we even have the luxus that we have a branched trailsystem open and have to turn very often left or right. This season we invest a lot of time to educate our young dogs! And it´s a lot of fun :))

For the first time had our dogs on wednesday and thursday a little bit more intensive training. Jörg drove 70 km on wednesday and I 63 km on thursday. Each of us hooked up 14 dogs, Jörg had even Susan and the camera with him at his journey. And even if the pictures looks nearly all the same, we always find them great. By the way, the dogs liked the longer training. They ran the trail at a crazy speed, the feets glowed from staying at the brake. At my training I trained even left and right to the dogs. And after I had my two "superbrains" Vino and Tchmil in lead I had to go at every (really at EVERY) diversion in front to my leaddogs and showed them the way. But in the end I had one sense of achievement, Vino was at least looking into the right direction ;))) I hope that it´s going only straight at the Troms Quest... But two of our ladies go more or less reliable on commants. Now we even have the luxus that we have a branched trailsystem open and have to turn very often left or right. This season we invest a lot of time to educate our young dogs! And it´s a lot of fun :))
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
Hallo Katy, mach mit den Hunden Einzeltraining. gehe auf eine Gabelung zu -gee und ein Leckerchen nacht rechts werfen. Später nur Kommando und wenn die Richtung stimmt erst dann die Belohnung.
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