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Phone +46 738068864

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Yesterday I was out with the adult dogs for a 105 km run. Fränk has to stay at home, he is limping a little bit. So I hook up the other 9 adult dogs who should make the Finnmark-team. The weather was great like you see on the pictures, only -10 degrees and a fantastic trail. Could I ask for more?

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

More videos ;))

Here a small film from Christina and her dogs who was also at the 555 race in Slussfors. Many thanks to you Christina to share it with us and that I can use it on our blog :)))))))))))

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013

555 Race

This weekend Annette Kriller and Dave King invited mushers to their 555 race in Slussfors. This race was especially for newmushers to learn the checkpoint routine. I should be a type "mentor" to help the newbes to improve their routine. Jörg took the chance to drive all our 16 dogs under race conditions. Long story short told, the trainingsrace was perfect organized on a perfect trail. Annette, Dave and their crew from UK, Italy, France and South Africa (!!!) did a fatastic job to make this event possible. Henry Coronica from AXA dogequipment sponsored a few products so that Jörg came home with a new big snowhook :)))
The race was called 555 because of 50 km driving (5 mil) 5 hours rest, 5 mil driving. Btw, it was 55 km, even better for training :) I took the opportunity today to train the 10 adult dogs over the trail and really really enjoyed the fantastic trail in a spectacular landscape.
Everybody who had the opportunity and was not there should blame himself! Many thanks to Annette and dave for a perfect weekend!!!
Here a slideshow from the pictures Jörg made on the trail (and me at the start).