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Gasa 2, 93091 Slagnäs, Sweden
Phone +46 738068864

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

After our last post the weather was turning back to the "typical lapland summer" - 10 to 15 degrees. The "real" summer lasts only 4 days, but they were great ;) During this week it was not only cold, it was even raining every day and a lot. So we took our puppies into the house for playing with them and had fun with the small guys. They are really funny and friendly.
We were thinking about training the adult dogs, but decide to give them their well deserved holidays until august. And even the cold weather has some benefits - no moskitos or blackflies around :)))

The puppies play inside and destroy the house...

Not me, I´m a nice boy means José

Finally outside for playing, the weather becomes better from yesterday. Susan has now all paws to do for keeping the pupps together.

But she is really happy thet they are now big enough to play with her

Sunshine today and Gira chews on something

Sivtsov in fine drive ;)))

After so much playing they are tired and sleep under the stairs

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011


It´s really unbelieveable - we had now a few hot summerdays. That early and that warm is not normal for our place. It was now 30 degrees (plus!!!) and that since wednesday. But from tomorrow it should be a bit cooler :( So the dogs got some refreshment in our lake. We take always 3-5 dogs and go to the lake, they get already crazy if they see that we want to go - they love the water and swimming.

Like every time Jörg tries to escape with the canoe but the dogs get him with swimming.

Fränk and Tchmil go into the water, this time it ends with Jörg, 4 dogs and the canoe under the waterline when all dogs try to come into the canoe at the same time and the same side...unfortunately I have no picture of that, I had to help Jörg coming out with the canoe. But I can tell you, I had a lot of fun ;))))

A few days of warm weather is enough for our lake to become really warm. So I could not resist to jump into the water and swim a little bit! Think, 4 weeks ago the lake was still frozen!!!

On monday be our puppies 5 weeks old and now they start to discover the world. Finally they even get their names, it was not that easy. Like all our dogs they have names from famous cyclists. And because they were born during the Giro D´Italia, they get names from Giro drivers and winners. The girls are Felice, Sivtsov, Gira, Bartali. The boys are Fausto, Giovanni, Andrew, José. Here a few pictures of them, I tried to take a picture one by one, but they didn´t want like me...Maybe the next time.

All puppies attack Susan...

but she don´t take it serious ;)

Meat is good!!!

Flandriens Bartali

Is that something to eat?

Flandriens Andrew

Flandriens Sivtsov

Flandriens Fausto, the biggest guy in the group.

Flandriens Felice, a very cheeky girl.

Flandriens Gira, José and Bartali

Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

Sitting in a box with 8 puppies :)))

Mama is the best!!!

Trying to escape...

...but there is no way out :(

A small movie from Flandriens-fight-club ;)))